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Crocodile Dentist Online? Wait...what?


Online speech language pathologists use digital and physical materials during online speech and language therapy! SLP's customize online and physical materials based on each individual child. Some children are able to navigate a mouse and participate in online activities, while other children require the speech language pathologist to control the screen while they listen and respond. Either way, the online space is very engaging and just as effective as “in person” speech and language therapy. Traditional physical materials are also used over the computer through either a document camera or camera that is built into the computer.

Children love interactive games and board games whether in person or online. There are many online websites that I use when providing online speech therapy. One of my favorite websites is called Ultimate SLP! This online site is for speech language pathologists who customize activities based on a child’s speech and language goals. On this site there are card games, interactive games, digital worksheets, stories with follow up questions, and board games. Many of the games are theme based (focused on seasons and holidays) which makes it more interesting and educational (it is always helpful to reinforce time concepts!) The Zoom platform allows provides a whiteboard for teaching concepts and is an excellent visual tool.

Another favorite site of mine is called Boom Learning. This site is full of online activities and games that target speech and language goals. There are a wide range of activities that target skills focused on speech and language skills, such as, following directions, language association, categories, function, multiple meaning words, synonyms and antonyms. Boom Learning also has articulation puzzles, social skills stories, interactive sticker books, book companions, sequencing activities, and articulation games and activities. Boom Learning also has visual supports to help with comprehension, articulation, verbal expression and fluency.

SLPNow is a site that offers amazing activities that include literacy based therapy units that speech language pathologists customize based on a child’s speech and language goals and objectives. SLPNow offers theme based units for each month, as well. The speech language pathologist can use these units to target an unlimited amount of speech and language goals, such as, articulation, story retell, vocabulary, following directions, answering questions and grammar. Editable story maps and grammar maps can be displayed on the computer screen so that the students may have a visual to support their understanding and expressive language.

Toy Theatre is a site that provides interactive educational games for elementary aged students. Toy Theatre also has online classroom timers and clocks, marble jars, spinners and dice. ABCYA is also a favorite for many of my students. ABCYA arranges games based on grade level. ABYA offers digital Bingo, racing games, puzzles, story games, art and music games, and mazes. There are also interactive themed based games in which a child may build a snowman, make a scarecrow or decorate a Christmas tree. These activities are used as barrier games when working with children in a small group. Digital reinforcers are also available, such as, marbles and counters. Epic Books and Newslea are online sites that provide online articles and books. SLP's use these resources to target listening skills, language comprehension, vocabulary building and expressive language. Digital SLP offers physical games that have been converted to digital games, such as, Crocodile Dentist and Don't Break the Ice!

Physical toys and activities are also used in online speech and language therapy. If a child is working on labeling nouns, the SLP may present a variety of objects and have the child practice labeling the object. Wind up toys or bubbles may be used to work on requesting the continuation of an activity or as a motivator for completing a task. Traditional activities, such as, puzzles, blocks, books, singing and "Peek a Boo" are easily adaptable for online sessions. A document camera is used to display worksheets that focus on specific goals and objectives. There are an unlimited amount of resources that make online speech and language therapy fun, engaging, and motivating which leads to improved outcomes.

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